See also

Useful ideas from Team Topologies

Notes from a training course: “Principles & Practices for Modern Platforms” Manuel Pais, 2 Jul 2020. Slides are here.

Started with a general introduction to Useful ideas from Team Topologies, then focused on specific ideas for platform teams.

When your team’s customers are internal teams, a frequent problem is that you think you know what they want - “I’m an engineer, they’re engineers, I understand”, “I’m a designer, they’re designers”

In this course: treating your platform as a product, how to actually understand your users’ needs and build goals and measures around meeting them.

Advice applies to lots of types of platform:

Thinking about interactions

x-as-a-service is a particularly common interaction pattern for platform teams, might also use the others.

Useful for platform teams: outline how you’re currently interacting with other teams and have an expected duration.

It’s OK if it turns out to be longer, if they need more support than expected.

But! An expectation is important. We’re not going to support every team forever. We have a specific goal in mind, get the team there then step away.